Need a Little Drama in Your Day?


I was up late last evening, so it was easy to sleep past 7:30 this morning. I never heard a peep outside the bedroom door. When I did come to life, and I saw what time it was, I felt a little guilty. My teenage daughter had already left for school. I like to pretend she NEEDS me in the mornings, but the truth is, she’s pretty independent. And, her farmer father is way more of a morning person than this chick.

I got out of bed, found my glasses (a very important first step of any day) and made my way toward the kitchen.  I stopped before I got there. It seems the highway department had installed some new signage in our office/library/rec room.  Lolland, Denmark?  Practical County, Indiana?  Gar Hollow, Kentucky?  Wait. These are all settings of books I’ve written.

coffee-cupAnd I figured that out all by myself.  And it was even BEFORE this:

When I got into the kitchen, more surprises awaited.

The cupboards had streamers and photos of the cover of The Practical County Drama Queen. And the big kitchen window looked like this:

launch-day-DQMy sweet teenager!  She was probably hoping and praying I WOULDN’T wake up before she left for school. She’s such a drama queen!

So, all in all, I think it’s going to be a very good day. I’ve had my coffee. I’ll go to yoga. I’ll do some writing this afternoon.

We might even get a little (MORE) snow today! (Snowballs thrown by angry readers are hitting me in the face even as we speak!)

What can I say? I happen to be loving this wild Ohio winter we’re having. In the words of a friend, “I like a little snow drama!”

It’s one of those rare days writers wait for. A launch day only comes after hundreds of writing days, submitting days, waiting days, editing days, waiting days, editing days, and more waiting days.

May your day ahead bring you a little of what you love, too. Coffee, snow, a bit of good drama? And, if you need a book to take you away to a farm in Practical County (where it happens to be SUMMER, by the way!), here’s how you can find The Practical County Drama Queen as of … today!

Nook Readers, check out Barnes and

Kindle readers, use (on Kindle devices or using the Kindle app on your iPad)

MuseItUp Publishing and Smashwords have it available in all formats as well.


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